Foods for Healthy Skin

You are what you eat. What you put in your body is as important as what you put on it. Healthy skin calls for a healthy diet and plenty of hydration.

Here are some foods to add to your diet to get a healthy, vibrant, glowing and youthful skin:

The importance of water for good skin care cannot be stressed enough. A well hydrated body is the key to young and youthful looking skin. It helps to get rid of unwanted toxins from the body and transport vital nutrients to the cells. This is very important to a clean and clear skin.

Ramp up your anti-oxidant intake by loading up on a variety of berries like blueberry, strawberry and blackberry. Those vibrant colored fruits work wonders on your skin and reduces effects of aging.

Green Tea
Green tea is an excellent anti-oxidant and has good anti-inflammatory property.This helps reduce the effects of sun damage and gives you a glowing skin.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which works wonders on the skin and has excellent age fighting properties. Aim for 2 servings of wild salmon in a week to get a glowing healthy skin.

Low Fat Yogurt
Low fat yogurt is rich vitamin A which is very good for your skin. Look for an yogurt with active cultures. The natural active cultures in yogurt helps your digestive system which is key to a healthy skin.

Almonds are loaded with Vitamin E which works wonders on your skin. It helps keep the skin hydrated and reduces the effects of aging.Have 10-20 almonds a day for a healthy and firm skin.

The natural essential oils in avocado are very good for your skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps sooth your skin.


  1. Thanks for sharing this food list. Certainly one should make sure to add these foods in his daily diet.

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