Natural ways to reduce under eye dark circles

Here are some natural and easy to do remedies for under eye dark circles:

Cucumber: Slice a chilled cucumber and place it on both eyes and rest for 15 minutes. Do this 2 to 3 times a week and see the dark circles and puffiness of the eyes disappear.

Green Tea: Place green tea bags over eyes and rest for 10 minutes to see an improvement of both dark circle and puffiness.

Potato: Grate a slice of potato and dip a cotton ball in the juice and place over the dark circle. This is a very effective method to get rid of dark circles.

Almond Oil: Massage a few drops of almond oil around the eyes to see an improvement in circulation and reduction in dark circles.

Olive Oil:Massage a few drops of olive oil around the eyes as a remedy for under eye dark circles.

1 comment:

  1. Stress is one of the big reason of dark circles. If one want to be remove dark circle then he will have to be come out his stress first. Yoga and Pranayama is very helpful in reducing the stress and remove dark circles too.
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